Cookies & A Long Chat

If you follow Zoe's blog, then you've probably seen her recipe on Oreo Cookies. I decided to give it a try. And while the cookies doesn't look as appetizing as Zoe's, I was quite proud by how it turned out. A few errors were made while making it, but that's part of baking! There's gonna be errors along the way.

Check out the ingredients and procedure on Zoe's blog here. If I was to make another batch of Oreo Cookies, what I would do is add more of the brown sugar, and less of the white sugar. Also, instead of adding half a pack of the Oreo cookies, I would add one whole pack into the mixer. Who knows, maybe someday in the future, I'll fancy a cookie and make a whole batch again!

Instead of going on and on about the cookies I made, I thought it'd be a great idea to chat with you guys. Well a one-sided conversation, ha!

I was quite in a hurry when I made these cookies because I was about to watch Spectre. I quite liked the movie, but not so much. While I loved the special effects and the acting, the plotline was quite dry for me. And the duration of the movie was quite long, which left me quite sleepy in the end, because my attention span for movies is short. Then again, maybe the reason why I didn't like the movie as much was because I didn't follow the James Bond series. Who knows?! :P

Quiet bummed out that I didn't watch Mockingjay instead! What are movies that you're looking forward to watch to this month/December? Mine would probably be Victor Frankenstein (starring Daniel Radcliffe, James McAvoy, Jessica Brown Findlay.)

You guys seem to love my previous blogpost on book recommendations. So I thought I'd add another two into the list of books that I would recommend to you guys.

The Impossible Knife of Memory by Laurie Halse Anderson: 

I remember reading this on the plane on my way back to Jakarta from LA. Although the book looks quite thick, I finished reading it in a span of three days. Mainly because I felt the connection between the main character (Hayley) and I.

So to be able to find someone, even if that person is a fictional character, going through the same thing as you are, I didn't feel so alone in the world. Don't worry, there's romance in it! So while feeling a connection between Hayley and I, I also enjoyed some swoony moments between Hayley and Finn. Another great book by Laurie is called 'Speak'. Quite darker than this one, but the writing is so great. And it will definitely leave you with tears. (Warned you!)

Favorite Quotes:

  • "I'd treat myself to a reading marathon all weekend. All the ice cream I could eat, all the pages I could read. Heaven."
  • "Having a friend made everything suck less."
  • "My earbuds were in, but I wasn't playing music. I needed to hear the world but didn't want the world to know I was listening."
  • "The laws of the universe dictate that for every positive action, there is an unequal and sucky reaction."
  • "Apologies mean nothing if you don't mean it."
  • "Our culture has expectations that the memories of a happy childhood will somehow ground you and prepare you for adult life. But what about the memories that cut, that wound, that won't heal?"

Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Anne Fowler:

I've never actually read works from F. Scott Fitzgerald before. But I've watched the movie 'Gatsby' starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Loved that movie, but the ending left me screaming. So while I wasn't so keen on reading F. Scott's works, I was interested about his wife.

The reason why I was so interested with Zelda was because she suffered from Schizophrenia. I read this mainly wanting to know the process of how she developed the mental illness. When she first met F. Scott, she just seemed so happy. But after their marriage, everything just fell through. With F. Scott as an alcoholic, too busy with his work and probably schmoozing off with other woman, I felt how lonely Zelda was.

It was quite saddening how her life turned out to be. Although her life seemed luxurious, it was anything but. So, in a way, I also felt a connection to her.

I'm not an expert on Scott and his literary works, but I must say, the author did well with the book. The research she did for it is amazing and straight on. If you're planning to read this, I suggest you buy the physical copy of it instead of an e-reader.etc because it's just so beautiful! The texture of the paper is different which just made the book even more appealing.

Favorite Quotes: 

  • "If only people could travel easily as words. Wouldn't that be something? If only we could be so easily revised."
  • "He smiled then, and I felt that smile like a vibration moving through me, the way you might feel if you walked through a ghost or if it walked through you."
  • "There's nothing like losing yourself in someone else's troubles to make you forget your own."
  • "This was Scott. This is Scott, always looking back to try to figure out how to go forward, where happiness and prosperity must surely await."
  • "No writer should be the same as another, that's not art."
Well, that's it for now guys! Another chatty one (sorry). Be sure to comment down what you want me to write for my future blogposts! Would love to hear some of your ideas. :) 

Much love, Ashley xx


  1. I think they look so tasty!

  2. I love the sound of Oreo cookies! Great post.

    Anika |

  3. You had me with cookies and I love the pictures of the cookies & flowers. Lovely post! xx,

  4. The cookies look yummy! Love the quotes!

  5. Amazing photos ! This cookies look amazing :)
    please follow my blog : THE COLORFUL THOUGHTS

  6. Ahh, I've been wanting to try out this recipe! Yours look delicious as well. :)

  7. Those cookies look delicious

  8. Fab post, those cookies look and sound so good! I agree with you about Spectre, it was disappointing compared to Skyfall the plot just wasn't strong enough. Beautiful locations though! Ooh definitely want to read the book about Zelda, you've sold it to me! I'm a big Scott fan, his life is fascinating and his writing beautiful.

    Anoushka Probyn - A London Fashion Blog | Giveaway!

    1. Thank you, lovely! I didn't watch Skyfall! But I've heard some of my friends say that it is much more better than Spectre. So true, the locations are so beautiful in the movie. Be sure to tell me what you think of it! :)

  9. Les photos sont super jolies, ça donne envie de grignoter. ;)

  10. Firstly the cookies look amazing! Also, love any sort of book recommendation anyday. Add favourite quotes and I'm sold! Love, love, love!
    Best wishes, Ana xxx

    1. Hahaha, thank you!!! :) hope you'll enjoy the books!


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